CupruMold Mining has embraced the basic principles of environmental protection and operates safely for nature and local communities. The company invests in eco-friendly technologies and sustainable mining practices. CupruMold Mining’s values in terms of environmental protection are:

  • We use natural resources and energy sources in the most productive and economical way possible, using water and energy management technologies
  • We ensure the selective collection of waste and the integration of reusable waste into the production process, aiming to achieve the highest level of recycling and reuse
  • We comply with the environmental laws, abiding by the international environmental requirements
  • We are concerned with the continuous training of our employees and the choice of partners who share our understanding of environmental protection in the context of mining operations.
  • We have adopted a decision-making process that anticipates and prevents environmental incidents
  • We continuously evaluate preventive and corrective measures in emergency response plans
  • We listen to and analyse any proposal, observation and complaint on environmental issues, we are ready to take into account your opinion in the construction of the exploitation strategy
  • We monitor programmes and projects initiated, adapting the technologies used for environmental protection
  • We get involved in the restoration of local ecosystems and invest in environmental recovery actions for compromised areas
  • We communicate and transmit our environmental values to both employees and partners
  • We take responsibility for implementing environmental policies so that the mining activity is sustainable and leads to increased local community confidence in these values


CupruMold Mining is committed to promoting the sustainable development of local communities by ensuring the health and safety of mining personnel and of all those affected by the company’s operations.

  • We protect the rights of employees and local communities by complying with all mining operation regulations
  • We focus on a stable socio-economic environment, we are concerned with maintaining an occupational health and safety system
  • We invest in people and their continuous training, listen to them and communicate internally effectively and constantly
  • We assess and monitor the social impact of the mining activities and then come up with community development proposals
  • We pay close attention to living standards, education conditions and labour market opportunities
  • We attract investors for vocational training, support various forms of assistance for disadvantaged groups
  • We are involved in increasing the quality of public health services, the number of jobs and the protection of Moldova Noua’s natural heritage
  • We are reliable partners for local authorities and non-governmental organisations working in the area, for educational institutions and any other institution aiming at community development


CupruMold Mining is committed to ensuring equal treatment of all applicants for employment, regardless of gender, age, race, ethnic origin and political or religious beliefs.


CupruMold Mining promotes a working manner that enables any candidate to be recruited, hired and evaluated throughout the career advancement process without being subject to discrimination.

  • We work transparently, capitalizing the strengths of each team member, developing employees’ skills
  • We ensure fair decision-making with objective assessments based on the employees’ experience, knowledge, skills and competencies
  • We promote equal opportunities and treatment within the company
  • We propose and implement training programmes, providing skills according to labour market requirements
  • We have an inclusive vision and contribute to the development of sustainable communities, identifying sustainable solutions to socio-economic challenges